Sunday, 30 September 2012

Companions of Rasulullah


Alhamdulillah. Tadi ada dengar satu talk ni di Bond University. Awal-awalnya, kawan kata talk ni pasal Hadis 40. So, memang bersemangat nak dengar tambah-tambah pula speaker nya bukan Malay. So, I was very excited. Tapi bila sampai sana tiba-tiba talk tu bertukar jadi macam seerah. Tapi still interesting.

So, nak share sikit dgn readers apa yang best yang saya dapat.

1) Abu Bakar dikatakan courageous dan brave bila dia stand alone on his decision untuk memerangi golongan murtad bila Umar dan Uthman pon tak sokong decison yang beliau buat. Speaker tu kata keadaan time tu sangat genting sebenarnya. Kalau x ditangani golongan murtad ni, memang habislah umat Islam dan sia-sialah usaha Rasullah. MasyaAllah, saya tak pernah sangka sampai begitu sekali gentingnya situasi tu.

2) Rupa-rupanya Umar dan Uthman memang dah tahu yang diorang akan syahid. Speaker tu share sebuah hadis. Time tu tengah perang Uhud, Rasulullah, Abu Bakar, Uthman dan Umar ada kat atas bukit Uhud. Tiba-tiba, bukit tu bergoncang. Then Rasulullah kata yang lebih kurang maksudnya  "Berhenti bergoncang. Sesungguhnya yang berdiri di atas engkau ni adalah seorang Nabi, As- Siddiq (membenarkan) dan 2 orang syuhada." Just Wow! Bila saya dengar hadis ni, rasa kagum sangat pada sahabat Rasulullah sebab memang diorang the Great Companian. Bertambah rasa kecintaan pada diorang. May all of us strive to be like them. InsyaAllah.

3) Hasan bin Ali jadi khalifah selepas Ali R.A tapi selama 6 bulan sahaja sebab lepas tu dia serahkan jawatan tu pada Muawiyah.

4) Muawiyah is one of the Good Companion  We cannot deny that fact. However, he did make mistake when he gave the tittle of khulafa to his son, Yazid b Muawiyah because there is no monarchy in Islam. Having said that,we should see how Muawiyah justified himself. While we need to be more understanding, we should make it clear that there is no monarchy in Islam.

That is all for this post. InsyaAllah will try to share more next week.

P/s: I was offered to take a course to study Hadith 50 (Hadith 40 Iman Nawawi + 10 other Hadiths). It will cost me AUD250 instead of AUD1000 because I am a student. The course also a self-paced course up o a year. Should I take the course? I'm very interested though.. hmm..

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Plan Kita or Plan Allah?

Manusia dibesarkan dengan kemahuan. Tak pernah kita merasa cukup. Dengan kemahuan itu juga manusia sangat banyak merancang hidupnya. Merancang masa depannya. Tapi jangan kita lupa, sehebat mana kita merancang, sebaik mana pun, se "details" mana pun, kehendak Allah juga lah yang akan terjadi. Sebagai seorang hamba Allah, penting untuk kita yakin dengan segala yang Allah tentukan untuk kita. Kalau kita pandang setiap yang terjadi dalam hidup dari kacamata seorang muslim, mesti kita dapat rasakan setiap perkara yang berlaku itu ada hikmahnya. Kita sendiri pun tak tahu baik buruk sesuatu perkara. Mungkin sekarang kita rasa kan sesetengah perkara buruk/tak sesuai bagi kita, tapi boleh jadi "somewhere in near future" kita dapat rasakan perkara yang telah berlaku itu lah yang terbaik. Hmm, pening tak ayat saya? Senang cerita, jom kita tengok contoh paling dekat iaitu diri sendiri. Pernah tak sekarang kita terfikir sesuatu perkara yang macam tak berapa nak best yang telah berlaku dulu sebenarnya membantu kita menjadi lebih best pada hari ini? Hah, semua orang mesti ada moment itu kan? :o

Okay, so pakai lah kacamata seorang muslim, insyaAllah hidup akan kita rasa cantik je selalu. Wallahualam.

Solat itu "Tiang Agama"


Penting solat. Wajib kan? Nabi pun dah bersabda solat lah yang membezakan kita dengan syirik dan kufur. Orang kita pun popular kan dengan kata-kata solat itu tiang agama. Rumah kalau runtuh tiangnya runtuh lah semuanya. Dalm kesibukan kita menyampaikan Islam kepada orang lain, sangat lah penting rasanya kita untuk menjaga solat. Malu lah andai kita sibuk mengatakan tentang pentingnya kembali kepada Islam sebenar sedangkan kita "tiang" pun masih goyah lagi. 

Pesanan yang sangat-sangat penting untuk diri sendiri dan sahabat-sahabat yang lain. Alhamdulillah, kalau sudah cukup solat wajib kita, terus cukup kan pula yang sunat. Kalau sudah cukup yang sunat, cantik kan pula dengan qiam. InsyaAllah akan terasa Allah itu semakin dekat dengan kita. Wallahualam.

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman. mohonlah pertolongan dengan sabar dan solat. Sesungguhnya Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar". (2:153)
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, mohonlah pertolongan dengan sabar dan solat. Sesungguhnya Allah berserta orang-orang yang sabar. (Al-Baqarah 2:153) 

Looking for God

This is a piece I wrote while in the airplane.
Looking for God
By: Yasmin Mogahed

I’ve been looking for God my whole life. I just didn’t know it.
When we study those things that we all seek—in life, in a companion, in everything—we’ll find that both the believer and the atheist are actually just seeking God. See, God is the designer. Whether you’re an atheist or a believer, God is the designer of your needs, your affinities, your inclinations. And He has designed these inner drives to fit the natural order: tawheed (to seek, recognize and submit to one single higher power).
Think for a moment about what you and I seek. What do you look for in a companion, for example? What are we running after and willing to give anything just to hear?
“I’m taking care of you.”
“It’s going to be okay.”
“I love you. Always. That will never diminish or change.”
“You can hold on to me.”
“I will never let you down.”
“I will never hurt you.”
“I will never leave you.”
“I will always be there for you.”
“I appreciate you.”
“I see you.”
“I understand you.”
“I know who you are.”
“I’m close to you.”
“I will forgive you.”
“You don’t have to be perfect.”
“I will never abandon you.”
“I will never betray you.”
“I got your back.”
“I’ll take care of it.”
“I’m listening. I’m really listening.”
“I’ll never let them hurt you.”
“I’ll always protect you.”
“I’ll never leave you.”
“You are never alone.”
“I will never leave you alone.”
“When everything around you is falling apart, I’ll hold you up.”
“I truly only want what’s best for you.”
“Even when you’re messing up, I will still forgive you.”
“Even when you’re unable to give, I will always give you.”
“Even when you’re fighting me, I’ll still be kind. I still won’t abandon you.”
“No matter what you do, I can always forgive you.”
“I love you despite your weaknesses and your faults.”
“I will give you peace.”
“I will make you happy.”
“I will give you stability.”
“I will give you strength and power.”
“I will cure you.”
“I will give you status and respect.”
“I will always comfort you.”
“No matter how tiny the gesture is, if you do it for me, I’ll appreciate and reward you for it.”
“If you turn to me, I’ll be there for you, no matter what.”
“No matter what you’ve done to me, I can always forgive you.”

The truth is, when we thought we were looking for a good husband or a good wife or a good job or a lot of money or a lot of fame, we were really just looking for God. So it’s no wonder that we got disappointed when the husband, the wife, the job, the money or the fame didn’t fill our need—or our emptiness.
Even that emptiness itself was created for a purpose: To drive us to fill it. The problem is we try to fill it with the wrong things. Everything inside us was created to enable our journey to find the true fill, to find Him. Ironically even shaytan and the nafs—if reacted to correctly—can become a means to reach Him.  Shaytan and the nafs are our enemies. True. But how can we protect ourselves from them? Can the people help? Can money help? Can worldly power or weapons help protect us from our greatest enemies? Where is the *only* shelter from both shaytan and our nafs? The only shelter is in Allah. It’s like sending a storm to push us to the only refuge. To push us to Him (azza wa jal).
Even your sins can be used to push you to God. After all, who else can forgive you for them? Where else can you find shelter from the storm and horror of your own sins? Who else can take care of them and erase them and even transform them into good deeds?
Your fears can also be a means. When you’re scared, who else can protect you? Who else can give you comfort and safety, when you’re stranded in the middle of an ocean? When you’re poor, who else can provide? When you’re sad, who else can pull you up? When you’re broken, who else can mend your heart and your life? Who else can give life to what’s dead? Who else can cure you? Who else can save you? When you’re lost, who else can guide you?
Who else?
You thought the storm, the ocean, the fear, the sadness, the mistakes, the loss, the brokenness was all bad for you. But really it was only a means. It was all a vehicle to make you seek Him. To bring you back. To bring you back to completion, to happiness, to life. To bring you back to where you began. To bring you back to all that you really seek.
To bring you back to Him.
“Think for a moment about what you and I seek”
Mungkin kita selalu tak perasan pun dalam hidup ini banyak sangat benda yang kita cari. Kalau dah dapat mungkin tak pernah rasa cukup. Contoh terdekat dengan kita mungkin dalam pelajaran. Kita sentiasa nak menjadi lebih baik. Dan kita selalu tahu kita memang boleh buat lebih baik lagi. Sebab kita tak akan pernah cukup tenteang perkara yang bukan mentawheedkan Allah. Mungkin belum lagi Allah itu dikatakan sebagai “illah” kita. Menarik artikel di atas bila di “layout” kan tentang perkara-perkara yang kita mahu dari seseorang. Tak terbatas kepada seorang isteri/suami sahaja tetapi “apply” kepada semua. Semua persoalan di atas memang selalunya kehendak manusia kan? Baik terhadap kawan-kawan, ibu bapa, dan adik-beradik. Kesimpulannya, seperti yang dah di “highlight” dalam artikel di atas, semua ketidakcukupan itu adalah cara Allah nak bawa kita kembali kepada Dia. Berusaha lah memegang hidayah yang sudah Allah berikan kepada kita. Wallahualam.
“To bring you back to Him”