Tuesday, 23 August 2011

kuih raya oh kuih raya


How's your iman today? Increasing? Alhamdulillah. Ramadhan is getting near to the end. What have we done up until now? Do more self reflection, will you? Let us get magfirah which is forgiveness from Allah.

Shaykh Sadooq (a.r) quoted Imam Ali ibn Moosa ar-Ridha (as) that he received from his Holy ancestors, on the authority of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), the text of the speech the Holy Prophet (saw) used to deliver at the advent of the blessed month of Ramadhan.

The Holy Prophet (saw) said:

"He who does not receive mercy and forgiveness in this month is really an ill-fated unfortunate, condemned to everlasting unhappiness and deprivation."

I want to share a story here.

A friend and me just discussed about parcel containing kuih raya (cookies) that our parents will and already sent to us. My friend's parent just sent a parcel from Malaysia containing kuih raya yesterday. However, when she log in Facebook, she found that another friend's parcel that was sent to Newcastle was rejected by the Australian customs. She was worried if her parcel will received the same fate too. Then, she contacted her father asking if he declared that there are kuih raya in the parcel.

The thing is that, I know that my parents will also send me kuih raya too. Both of us freaked out and we immediately contacted our parents at the same time and in the same room. It was quite funny actually to be in the same room talking to other people through phone about the same topic.

"mak, have you send my parcel? There is a friend of mine that her parcel was rejected by the customs.... bla bla bla..."

"Ayah, Did you declare kuih raya in the parcel? There is a friend of mine that her parcel was rejected by the customs.... bla bla bla..."

For me, my worries lessen when another housemates also received her parcel. There are various type of kuih raya in the parcel and each of the container was labelled with cookies on top of it. So, I say to myself, it should be alright. I just need to tell mak that she need to label all the kuih raya and list the ingredients of kuih raya.

On the other hand, my friend's dad did not label and declare that there are cookies inside the parcel. At that time, she started to get anxious, worried and kept on asking to me " it should be alright, isn't it?"

I tried to keep her calm but not giving false hope. I just answer "InsyaAllah, If Allah will it, you will get it. Don't worry" repeatedly.

This happened before Maghrib prayer. After Maghrib prayer, I read Quran as usual an came across interesting verse that I can relate with our situation.

Every soul must taste of death, and We try you with evil and with good, for ordeal. And unto Us ye will be returned. (Al-Anbiya, 21:35)

We try you with evil and with good, for ordeal.

This is an ordeal from Allah to us. Allah want to test the level of our tawakkal to Him.Perhaps not getting kuih raya is the best for us. Maybe our parents can sadaqah kuih raya to those who are in needs? Allah knows everything. And the fact that Allah is testing us make me realized something. Something that are way bigger than kuih raya. Do you want to know?? SCROLL DOWN PLEASE.

Come to think of it, I suddenly feel that isn't it sad that we keep on worrying and fretting over a simple thing like kuih raya? Not that I said kuih raya that our own mums made it are not important. But compare to us, there's thousand of people in Africa that don't even have food to eat. They died because of malnutrition and starvation.

Here, we are sad and worried that we don't get kuih raya from our mums. But across the world there are lots of babies that don't get milk from their mother. Their mother cannot produce or produce little of milk that are not enough. Aren't we too greedy? AstaghfirullahAlazim.

Alhamdulillah. Allah show us the the correct and the best path. which is tawakkal to him in everything including the small thing like receiving kuih raya. Thank you Allah.

1 comment:

  1. insyAllah...your kuih raya will safely arrive in newcastle :)
