Saturday, 26 May 2012

Name: Al-Jami’
Our Lord, surely You will gather the people for a Day about which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise.” [3:9] 
Al-Jama’ah in Arabic means to put things together, joining things together. Thus, Al-Jami’ means the Gatherer, the one who puts things together. Allah is Jamii’, he puts things together in such beautiful ways, in such unique ways that only Allah’s power could do that.
Just take a look at the human body. If you get to the core of it, our body is just made of cells with various organelles made up of subatomic particles but subhanAllah the way each cell is specialized to do specific functions and the way it’s own death is even programmed. What human can create the perfection that Allah has created? Look at the way the brain is…from the outside just a small wrinkled clump of tissue made up of neurons but with even the slightest damage, we as humans would be impaired with each region having a specific function. Only Allah’s perfection Allahu Akbar. Take a look at the oceans, how basically it’s just a bunch of water molecules but the way that those water droplets form an ocean and these same water droplets basically are able to carry ships that weigh tons. SubhanAllah we know its density but even the term density is human made mathematical formula of a natural phenomenon. 
Al-Jamii, the gatherer put things together. Our world is basically atoms being put together by Al-Jami’ to create larger and larger things. Allah is even able to put things that are opposites together. Take a look at the process that milk is formed. The cow eats food, some goes to waste, some of the nutrients become part of blood and from that same food the cow eats, a part of it becomes milk, pure white milk. Allah puts things together and is also able to break things away. Everything is in a perfect balance, and even a small imbalance of for example fluids in the body or temperature can really create problems within the body.
But we don’t appreciate these small miracles and blessings of Allah. These blessings exist all around us but most of us never take the time to realize

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