Saturday, 2 June 2012

Assalamualaikum everyone,

Alhamdulillah. I just submitted my last assignment for this semester. It feels great! You know when you have 3 assignments that you need to submit in a week, everything is chaotic. From your life to your environment where you work on your assignments.

This is when you feel very close to this particular surah

[Inshirah 94:1] Did We not widen your bosom?
[Inshirah 94:2] And relieve you of the burden -
[Inshirah 94:3] Which had broken your back?
[Inshirah 94:4] And We have exalted your remembrance for you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him).
[Inshirah 94:5] So indeed with hardship is ease.
[Inshirah 94:6] Indeed with hardship is ease.
[Inshirah 94:7] So when you finish the prayer, strive in supplication.
[Inshirah 94:8] And incline towards your Lord.

Alhamdulillah. Allah help us whenever we are in hardship.

However, Allah also promise us in another ayah.

“Allah will not change what is in any nation, until they all collectively make a change occur in what is in themselves.” (ar-Ra’ad 13:11)

I really hold onto this ayah as it has been graved in my heart since I was a little girl. Yes, Allah will help you. BUT, you need to help yourself first. If you think that by doing your assignment last minute because you do other thing, AND you also knew that you put little effort in it due to time constraints, AND you hope Allah will help you???

You've got to be kidding me!!!

Let me tell you something in case you haven't realise it. This is SO NOT Sunnatullah, my dear.
You need to put on effort in everything that you do.

You want Allah to love you, you've got to do what He wants you to do.
You want to eat, you've got to cook.
You want to live, you've got to breathe.
You want to excel in your study, you've got to study hard.

EVERYTHING needs YOUR effort!!

Know your roles and responsibilities. 
This is examples of my roles
1) As a Muslim
2) As a daughter
3) As a sisters
4) As a friends
5) As a dai'e
6) As student

And this list is going to be increase as time goes by. Don't just try to fulfil one role and ignore the others. You will have occupational imbalance in your life.

For example, as a student, I strongly believe I need to strive to get First Class with Honours. and I really really really want it.
So, my effort in every uni work that I do should be of the work of a student who's going to get First Class with Honours.

Especially when I am a scholarship student! Everyone expect me to go home with flying colour result which is First Class with Honours.

It is underachievement if I just pass, it is sad if I get credit, and it not enough if I get distinction. I want High Distinction!

Not that I'm being ungrateful for getting mark that is not HD, but please this kind of muhasabah and self reflection is important to drive to success.

Of course Allah is the one who give me the mark, but what I'm trying to say is that, I should PUT MORE EFFORT in my study if I don;t get HD.

With the exam just around the corner, let us pray and put EXTRAVAGANZA EFFORT in our study. Be grateful by studying hard and get excellent result for we can study when our sisters and brothers in other place are being denied their right to study and their environment does not allowed them to study.

However, let us do compass setting on why we STUDY in the first place. We should study because of Allah and Islam in the first place then comes other reason.


Till I write again.

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