Sunday 29 July 2012

Menulislah kerana Allah walaupun ia tidak dipandang manusia

Baru2 ni terasa berat sangat untuk menulis dan menyampaikan Islam melalui penulisan....Menulis blog ini bukanlah medan utama untuk berdakwah tapi Insya Allah selagi kita menulis kerana Allah....setiap perkataan yg ditulis itu akan ada nilainya di sisi Allah....teruslah menulis walaupun tiada yg membacaNya, walaupun tiada yg menghargainya....ketahuilah akhawat, Allah sentiasa menilai dan mengira segala usaha kita...walaupun sekecil zarah....

Terkesan dengan kata2 ni:

“Kami menulis ini bukan kerana tidak ada pekerjaan, dan bukan pula kerana ada yang mau membacanya. Kami menulis kerana kami merasa ada nasihat yang harus kami sampaikan kepada ikhwah pengemban dakwah, sebagai satu bentuk partisipasi kami dalam ‘perjalanan’ yang diberkati ini. Perjalanan menegakkan dien dan meninggikan panji-panjinya.” -Dr. Abdullah Azzam

Kalau sekadar buat program2 Islam sekali-sekala, hadir usrah seminggu atau dua minggu sekali & nk claim yg kita ni dh berjihad di jalan Allah- sangatlah tak layak!!!...malu je (T_T)...Apa sgt la yg kita dh buat untuk Islam??, kata nk jadi daie, takkan lah nk menulis sikit pun dh berkira masa?? tapi facebook boleh pulak nk buka selalu... Kalau tengok para nabi & para sahabat ,sepanjang masa mereka menyampaikan Islam, tak pernah berhenti tak pernah lelah...kalau penat mereka akan solat! Masya Allah....Itulah erti penat & kerhatan yang sebenar. Kita kalau penat buat ape je? setakat pergi balik Uni & hospital dah tak larat & dah malas nk bergerak...bukanlah kene jalan jauh sgt pun & ade je kereta nk kemana2...Para sahabat tu berperang, menyebarkn Islam & membuka empayar islam dgn berjalan kaki, bekalan makanan pn tk sebanyak kita...Apakah alasan kita?. Mereka juga menggunakan secara cara untuk menegakkan al-Haq kerana mereka benar2 yakin ia agama yg benar yg perlu ditegakkan! Allahuakbar

Nabi Nuh berdakwah selama 900 tahun kurang 50....namun yg masuk Islam sgt sedikit... macam2 cara yg beliau guna untuk menyampaikn dakwah. Jadi jangan pernah pandang remeh untuk menyampaikn Islam melalui cara blog, facebook twitter, etc walaupun itu bukanlah medan utama tabiyyah dan dakwah kita...Kita kene ingat, kita adalah daie sebelum profesi lainnya...Ingat tak? Nahnu duat kobla kulli shai'in....kita adalah daie sepenuh masa....Kita adalah daie sebelum student, daie sebelum seorang anak, atau kakak, etc....Jadi kita kene sentiasa melakukan amar makruf nahi mungkar, menunjukkan qudwah yg baik & beramal dgn apa yg disampaikn dgn cara apa sekali pun...

Teruslah berusaha untuk menyampaikan Islam walaupun sedikit & istiqamahlah...Yang penting kena betul2 ikhlaskan hati untuk Allah...purely for the sake of Allah...Kadang2 ada rasa malas tu sbb iman itu yazid wa yankus....tapi kalau rasa malas, buang malas tu jauh2...malas itu ialah satu dosa...& ia menyebabkn hati kita kotor....hati yg kotor menyebabkn kita jauh dari Allah...Itu adalah indication yg kita kena tambahkn lagi amalan kita untuk membersihkan hati....Ingat lagi analogi kopi susu?...Janganlah keseronokan dunia yg sementara ni melalaikn kita dari melakukan tanggungjawab kita...

Teruslah bergeraklah untuk Ad-deen....Allah sentiasa bersama kita selagi kita membantu agamaNya

Jangan sampai dunia ini menggelapkan hatimu, jangan sampai dunia yg sementara ini melalaikan mu...
Jangan sampai dunia ini menyebabkan engkau lupa akan tujuan hidupmu

Muhasabahlah wahai diri

"Dan siapakan yang lebih zalim daripada orang-orang yang telah diperingatkan dengan ayat-ayat Tuhannya, kemudian dia berpaling darinya?....(32:22)

Thursday 26 July 2012

Fine Touches - Posterior Columnar Pathway

Highlight of the week was trying to cram the whole spinal cord sensory pathway. There’s 3 by the way. But what I found most profound is how this relates to the situation in our daily life. 

Fine touch. Fine touches.
Somebody once said to me… “Sometimes, you don’t neet words to care. Just be there”. 

Tell me, how many times do we overlook this? The fine touches that people leave behind for us to discover and realise. 

For someone who is as oblivious as me… the actually notice these ‘fine touches’ is hard. I have to admit first hand that it is. You don’t realise this until you start to take notice that certain someone are not there to babble, but to be in the presence of your moments of despair and distract you from your problem. 

To assume the role as a friend is not easy. To really know someone takes a long time and patience… but I guess its worthwhile to through the whirlwind if the friendship last forever and for the right reason. 

For those who wants to know, among the people who would receive Allah’s syafaat are those who meet and leave each other because of Allah. 

I hope we would open our eyes more to what our friends are doing for us instead of always thinking about what have other people have done for us. Fine touches. Appreciate it before its gone… in our med case, once your nerves have lesion in them. 

Anyway - you get as much as you give. 
I now only wish that whatever friendship & relationship we all have today is because of Allah. Only then, I think that all the trouble to maintain that relationship is worth it. 


Sunday 15 July 2012

When The Heart Is In Doubt...

I guess… everyone at a certain point in their life, they just simply can’t run away from doubting themselves. Doubting themselves for many reason… even the strongest person have doubt in their heart although its greatly masked away.


Most probably the exact words that describes how I currently feel. Many, Im sure… have felt this eerie feeling. The feeling of trapped in a cage, relentless. Trapped and unsure of how to escape, even though the key is in the lock. Clueless. 
At this point, doubting whether Im good enough to carry all these responsibility… I can’t help but think - who am I. Im just a nobody. Am I perfect for all these task set ahead of me?
A daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a medical student and etc!~ Each which has their own rights to be fulfilled by myself. Overwhelming.
Yeah. I know Im not that good. Not perfect… but at least trying to be. The key word is trying. The effort you’ve put in… regardless of the outcome. 
Regardless… deep down inside, there’s this small inner voice saying - lets hurdle all this through together okay. 

In the remembrance of Allah, does your heart find peace. 
True. For the great times ahead… I think its most important to remember Allah’s Most Loving and Most Merciful words.

Hadis riwayat al-lmam al-Tirmizi. Beliau berkata ia adalah hadis hasan sahih. Daripada Anas r.a. beliau berkata: Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
Allah Ta’ala berfirman:
Wahai anak Adam! Selagi mana engkau meminta, berdoa dan mengharapkan Aku, Aku akan ampunkan apa-apa dosa yang ada pada dirimu dan Aku tidak peduli.
Wahai anak Adam! Seandainya dosa-dosamu banyak sampai mencecah awan langit kemudian engkau memohon ampun kepadaKu, nescaya Aku akan ampunkan bagimu.
Wahai anak Adam! Sesungguhnya engkau, andainya engkau datang mengadapKu dengan dosa-dosa sepenuh isi bumi, kemudian engkau datang menghadapKu tanpa engkau mensyirikkan Aku dengan sesuatu, nescaya Aku akan mengurniakan untukmu keampunan sepenuh isi bumi.

English Translation:
On the authority of Anas, who said: I heard the messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad say: 
Allah the Almighty has said:
“O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind.
O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you.
O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as its.” 
Ref: 40 Hadith by Nawawi.
If Allah gives all His mercy and love. Forgiving all our sins, dealing with each one of our attitude… and still give us every single thing that we need…
Then the test and responsibility he has given us… Are we to go through all that without his help? I don’t think so. 
A big slap to myself. Have to stop doubting myself!~
A reminder to those who doubt themselves too! 

In the end - I hope everybody will try their best and pull through!~
A new semester. A new vision. A new dimension.

Kisah di sebalik surah Al-hujurat 1-3

Hadith tentang Umar & Abu Bakr.

Al-Bukhari recorded that Ibn Abi Mulaykah said,

"The two righteous ones, Abu Bakr and `Umar, almost earned destruction when they raised their voices before the Prophet who was receiving the delegation of Bani Tamim. One of them recommended Al-Aqra` bin Habis the member of the Banu Mujashi` while the other recommended another man. Nafi` (a subnarrator) said: "I don't remember his name.''

Abu Bakr said to `Umar: `You only wanted to contradict me,' while `Umar said: `I did not intend to contradict you.' Their voices then became loud, thereupon Allah the Exalted sent down this Ayah:

“O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor speak aloud to him in talk as you speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds should be thwarted while you perceive not.” [49: 1]

Abdullah bin Az-Zubayr said, "After that, `Umar's voice was so low that the Messenger of Allah had to ask him to repeat what he said so that he could understand what he was saying to him.''

Hadith tentang seorang sahabat yang dirindui nabi

Al-Bukhari recorded that Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet missed Thabit bin Qays, and a man said: `O Allah's Messenger! I will find out about his news.'

That man went to Thabit and found him sitting at home with his head lowered and asked him, `What is the matter'

Thabit said, `An evil matter!' And he said that he used to raise his voice above the voice of the Prophet . He feared that his good deeds would be useless and he would be among the people of the Fire.

The man went back to the Prophet and conveyed Thabit's statement and returned to Thabit with a wonderfully good news. The Prophet said:

“Go back to him and tell him this news; you are not among the people of the Fire. Rather, you are among the dwellers of Paradise.”

Kata2 Umar berkenaan 2 jenis manusia yang tidak berbuat jahat

Imam Ahmad recorded in the Book of Az-Zuhd that Mujahid said:

"Someone wrote to `Umar, `O Leader of the faithful! Who is better, a man who does not feel the desire to commit a sin and does not commit it, or a man who feels desire to commit a sin, but does not commit it'

`Umar replied: `He who feels desire to commit a sin, but does not commit it’