Thursday 26 July 2012

Fine Touches - Posterior Columnar Pathway

Highlight of the week was trying to cram the whole spinal cord sensory pathway. There’s 3 by the way. But what I found most profound is how this relates to the situation in our daily life. 

Fine touch. Fine touches.
Somebody once said to me… “Sometimes, you don’t neet words to care. Just be there”. 

Tell me, how many times do we overlook this? The fine touches that people leave behind for us to discover and realise. 

For someone who is as oblivious as me… the actually notice these ‘fine touches’ is hard. I have to admit first hand that it is. You don’t realise this until you start to take notice that certain someone are not there to babble, but to be in the presence of your moments of despair and distract you from your problem. 

To assume the role as a friend is not easy. To really know someone takes a long time and patience… but I guess its worthwhile to through the whirlwind if the friendship last forever and for the right reason. 

For those who wants to know, among the people who would receive Allah’s syafaat are those who meet and leave each other because of Allah. 

I hope we would open our eyes more to what our friends are doing for us instead of always thinking about what have other people have done for us. Fine touches. Appreciate it before its gone… in our med case, once your nerves have lesion in them. 

Anyway - you get as much as you give. 
I now only wish that whatever friendship & relationship we all have today is because of Allah. Only then, I think that all the trouble to maintain that relationship is worth it. 


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